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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Large Armband Case would interest you. This is the larger of the two armband cases, with super-strong armbands. Fitting phones, walkie-talkies and GPS units. Leaving you free to get on with your kite-surfing, rafting or any other activity in which you want to immerse yourself.

What size do I need?

This case fits most GPS units, and all the same phones as the Small Whanganui (348), and also many walkie-talkies.
    * The smaller size is the Small Armband Case (216).
Key Features:
    * You can talk and hear through the case
    * Adjustable armband fits all sizes of arm
    * Also supplied with a lanyard for maximum adaptability
    * Also protects from dust, dirt and sand.
    * Like most of the cases it'll float if you drop it in the drink.
    * The seams are high-frequency welded to form a super-strong bond.
    * The Aquaclip® (a patented, ultra-secure, rustproof, injection-moulded plastic seal) opens and closes with a simple twist of two levers, and everything stays in one piece even when open. For more information, please click Here Regards,
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